It's A...GIRL!

{birth story}

Sometimes births are a real party! The whole family is there cheering! The love and excitement in this room was radiant and this mama was glowing with confidence. It's so lovely to see that kind of support and I really appreciate hospitals that respect the mothers support team by allowing them all in the room! I'm noticing it happen more and more. 
These are some favourite images from this birth. Scroll down to the bottom of this post to watch the full story, it's a tear jerker...aren't they all?! 

***   now press play to watch the birth story   ***

Stories are not only limited to birth packages. You can now add them to any portrait or event package. More information HERE!

And check out this couples maternity session.

For more Birth Stories, head on over to the Birth Gallery.

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Happy Easter!

Our Easter traditions include dying eggs and watching the Easter Beagle. This year we did both at the same time. As our eggs sat in the dye, we laughed along to one of our favourite films. And of course we watched it on VHS!

{press play}


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For more Easter fun, head to the Blog Archives and click through the keywords!

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