Fall in Film.

Since summer ended and a routine was implemented, life has gotten busier and fuller and faster! SO many big changes and new discoveries happen all the time in Adelaide and Audrey's life as they get older! More often I find that we're in a rush, and more then ever I am feeling time just flying by as these two blossom in to wonderful little humans right before my eyes! And of course, more then ever I want to capture moments in our real life. Like, our outings to high park zoo, our trips to the grocery store, brief picnics at the park after visiting the farmers market, going to and from school, puddle jumping to the bakery, and daytime errands with Audrey. These are the moments that matter. And these moments become nostalgic memories way too fast!! 

Thanks for reading!

All of these images are scanned negatives that were taken with my Pentax K1000 using 35mm film. Take a look through my Traditional Film Gallery to see more of my images that were taken with traditional film!

Audrey, with One Roll of Expired T-MAX 100

A glimpse in to Audrey's day to day life using a single 24 exposure roll of expired T-Max 100 film. Trips to the parks without her side kick, errands with Mum, school pick up and drop off, dinners with a very sleepy Adelaide who is always exhausted from the long fun day at school. Life changed, and it took a little bit of adjusting, but it's finally become our new normal. 

To see more photos taken with traditional film, have a look through the gallery: www.heatherbays.com/traditional-film

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